ChemVerbotsV stands for the German Chemicals Restrictions Regulation. It requires, besides imposing national restrictions for chemicals, that chemicals of special concern (life threatening, serious health risks, flammable properties) are well controlled during their entire life-cycle, along their entire supply chain: the staff handing over such products is qualified, proper safety information is available to all actors in the supply chain and the transactions are well documented.
The requirements differ if the products are provided to consumers or professional users, being lighter for products supplied to professional users. For example, suppliers to consumers need a license and certified staff in each branch, while suppliers to professional users must only notify its activity to the authorities and it is enough to have staff trained by any certified expert (in-house or external). In both cases, the staff handling or being involved in the transactions needs to be 18 years old and reliable (not legally defined). Also the level of information collected from customers is the same, but the way it is recorded is different: for consumer products a physical register needs to be maintained, while for professional products any form of record keeping would be accepted.
ASTER Consulting provides extensive regulatory services on ChemVerbotsV, such as:
- Analysis of the business model and advice on how to implement the Annex II requirements
- Analysis of the portfolio and indentification of the products that fall under the regulation
- Act as a certified expert (Sachkunde) acc. §11 on behalf of the company
- Annual trainings for staff authorisation (Beauftragung) acc. §8(2)
- Support to submit to the authorities the notification acc. §7(1) or to obtain the authorisation acc. §8(1)
- Support for record keeping incl. content and formats
- Establish a company process to ensure compliance with the regulation
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